A black and white (the real one will be color) mockup of the cover of our forthcoming O'Reilly book, Designing Mobile Interfaces, by Steven Hoober & Eric Berkman.


If you are picking up this book, you don't need to be told how ubiquitous mobile is, how quickly it is growing and changing, and how much it is supplanting desktop computing, and even more traditional media such as film, television, radio, papers and books.

Mobile is so huge and growing so fast, that astonishing numbers from just a few years ago pale in comparison. So much so, that we won't even bother quoting any figures, as they will be quaint far before the rest of the content looses its relevance.

One thing that has not yet happened is true standards of design. There are just now movements to design for mobile first, for the very good reason that in many markets your customers look at your website on mobiles more than desktops.

Yet, too much design is based on older paradigms for desktop, or even for TV or print. Within mobile, too many design discussions are very narrowly focused. They pay special attention to applications on a single platform, or only to the mobile web. And almost always at the specific expense of every other platform. Certainly, almost no one discusses anything but smartphones, despite huge marketshare and vast use rates.

Fragmentation is discussed as a bad thing for marketing, and sometimes for design, but designers themselves contribute too often by focusing on pixel-based layouts, and the specifics of their favorite OS. This does no one any good, and is especially pointless when you consider the user. Devices generally have many more features and methods of interaction in common than their differences might imply.

Serious mobile design now, and especially in the future, will require building for every user, and providing some solution on every platform.

This book offers a set of common patterns for interaction design on all types of mobile devices. A few patterns require specific hardware or form factors, but most are absolutely universal.

Most do not concern themselves at the top level with implementation details. The correct solution is correct whether at the OS level, as an application or as a website.

Of course, there are notes to discuss alternatives, methods and limitations to assist with decision making. And, many of the specific patterns are coupled with alternatives or variations that allow similarly-useful solutions to be achieved on any type of device.

It's a wiki, but also a book. We need to keep things in synch. Please see the help tab for formatting information, be respectful of content on the site, and add a note box like this if you make a serious change or want to raise a serious objection.

Contact @shoobe01 or @ericberkman if you don't see us responding to your change fast enough.

The Patterns

I - Page

Introduction to the Page section. √

2 - Wrapper

Introduction to the Wrapper chapter. √

Summary to the Page section Page-Wrapup. √

II - Components

Introduction to the Components section. √

3 - Display of Information

Introduction to the Display of Information chapter. √

4 - Control & Confirmation

Introduction to the Control & Confirmation chapter. √

5 - Revealing More Information

Introduction to the Revealing More Information chapter. √

Summary to the Component Section Component Wrapup

III - Widget

Introduction to the Widget section. √

6 - Lateral Access

Introduction to the Lateral Access chapter. √

7 - Drilldown

Introduction to the Drilldown chapter. √

8 - Labels & Indicators

Introduction to the Labels & Indicators chapter. √

9 - Information Controls

Introduction to the Information Controls section. √

Summary to the Widget Section Widget Wrapup

IV - Input & Output

Introduction to the Input & Output section.

10 - Text & Character Input

Introduction to the Text & Character Input section. √

11 - General Interactive Controls

Introduction to the General Interactive Controls section.

12 - Input & Selection

Introduction to the Input & Selection section. √

13 - Audio & Vibration

Introduction to the Audio & Vibration section. √

14 - Screens, Lights & Sensors

Introduction to the Screens, Lights & Sensors section. √

Summary to the Input & Output Section Input & Output Wrapup

V - Stuff We're (Probably) Not Putting In the Book

We made up a LOT of patterns as short descriptions, and when we got around to organizing and detailing them... they didn't all sound that good after all. Also, we have to keep the book at a reasonable size. But, we don't want to loose track of these, so here's an un-ordered list of those ideas we've kicked aside. For now.

Design Tools

Things other than the patterns themselves you can use to help design. Templates (including those used to draw the diagrams here), stencils, simulators, emulators, etc.


We're pretty busy with day jobs, freelance jobs and actually writing the book. But if we're scheduled to go somewhere and talk about anything remotely related to mobile, much less the book, we'll post it here:
