A Page is the area that occupies the entire viewport of the mobile screen during its current state. Based on cultural norms of reading conventions and how people process information, we must design and layout page information accordingly. We also want to create information that is easily accessed, and easy to locate. Our users are not stationary, or focused entirely on the screen. They’re everywhere and they want information quickly and easy to manipulate.

The Page that will be discussed here is subdivided into the following chapter:


A wrapper is a template that is used to organize page information consistently across the OS. Using a wrapper allows information to be organized hierarchically on a page. This organization will relate to the user’s mental model of page structure to quickly increase learnability and satisfaction while decreasing performance errors.

This chapter will discuss the following topics:


While some devices are beginning to allow effectively unlimited type selection, support vector glyphs, and have large amount of storage and running memory, most mobile devices are still resource and technology constrained. General issues of storage on the device, running memory, download times and cost of network access, limit availability of type for mobile application design. As almost all devices require raster (bitmap) faces, each size is loaded as a complete, different typeface. Most products end up with the device's default type, or with a very limited set of choices for their application.

While this challenge will slowly dissolve, it will always be present to some degree. Inexpensive devices, specialist devices (youth, elderly and ruggedized) and emerging markets needs, seem to indicate these issues will persist for another decade at least.


Mobiles are used differently from desktops, and even most print use of type. They are closest, perhaps, to signage in that they must be comprehended by all user populations, under the broadest possible range of environmental conditions (e.g. poor lighting) and at a glance. The typical mobile user is working with the device in a highly interruptible manner, glancing at the screen for much of their interaction. The type elements must be immediately findable, readable and comprehendible.

This is different from the technical challenge in that it is inherent in the mobile device. Users will always interact with their devices in this manner, so it must always be addressed, regardless of the technical implementation.

Message Display Characteristics

User needs

Looking and Finding: Detection and Discrimination

Detection: Determining the presence of an object, target or symbol.

Descrimination: Determining that differences exists; discriminating between target objects and non-target objects is determining differences on the basis of which identifications can be made.

Identifying: Identification

Identification: Attributing a name or meaning to some object target or signal. Discrimination and identification are often parallel processes, but in psychological terms they make different demands of the presented information.

Recognizing: Recognition

Recognition: Determining whether objects in the display have been seen before. Identification often accompanies recognition.


Refers to the ease with which the elements (letters, numbers, symbols, etc.) can be detected and discriminated from one another.

Font design

Font vs. Typeface

Typeface is a collection of characters-letters, numbers, symbols, punctuation marks, etc. In contrast, a font is a physical thing, the description of the typeface-in computer code, photographic film, or metal-used to image the type (Felici: 2003). When choosing the appropriate display font, we must understand the difference between anti-aliased and bitmapped letters because these affect legibility.

Ant-aliasing renders some of pixels shades of gray along the edges of the letter. This helps users to perceive the letter as being smooth. Anti-aliased text is more legible when using larger font sizes for Titles and headings; however, using anti-aliasing text in small font sizes tends to create a blurry image.

Baselines and Measurements

Letterforms and their parts

Letter height

Measure, Point Size, and Leading

Measure refers to the width of the column that type is set in.

Letter Height:

Points-One point equals 1/72 of an inch or .35 milimeters.

Pica-12 points equal one pica. A pica is the unit usually used to measure the width of columns.

Em-During the letterpressing era, letters were created from cast sorts. In metal type, the height from the top to the bottom of the metal sort was known as its point size. In digital type, the Em

Letter Width: Letter Width is known as set width. Set width measures the width of the letter and a small cushion. During the 18th century, standardizing the measuring of type began. When

Upper/lower case

=== Stroke width/weight ===

Letter/line spacing

Legibility Guidelines for Mobile Devices


Conspicuity, while involving legibility, also implies other display characteristics. It describes how well an object can be detected while it captures a user’s attention amongst other noise or other competing information. According to the National Cooperative Highway Research Program, there are two types: attention conspicuity and search conspicuity.

Color can be used both to classify and emphasize information displayed on a screen. When using color for these things, you need to understand that we have limits in our processing abilities that affect our signal detection.

In 18xx, A German psychologist Ewald Hering theorized that there are six elementary colors that are arranged perceptually as opponent pairs along three axes. These pairs are: black-white, red-green, and yellow-blue. Each color either is positive (excitatory) or negative (inhibitor). These opponent colors are never perceived at the same time because the visual system cannot be simultaneously excited and inhibited.

Our modern color theory stems off of this. Today, we know that the input from the cones is processed intro three distinct channels: The luminance channel (black-white) is based on input from all of the cones. We have two chromatic channels. The red-green channel is based on the difference of long and middle-wavelength cone signals. The yellow-blue channel is based on the difference between the short-wavelength cons and the sum of the other two (Ware, 2000).

In 1986, Post and Green created an experiment to test how subjects could effectively name 210 colors on a computer screen. The results of that test that are worth noting are:

Color for Labeling, or more technically – nominal information coding, is used to because color can be an effective way to make objects easy to remember and visually classify. Perceptual factors to be considered in choosing a set of color labels:

  1. Distinctness:

  2. Unique hues: Based on the Opponent Theory, they are: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Black, and White.

  3. Contrast with background: Our eyes are edge detectors. When we have objects that must be in front of a variety of backgrounds, it may be beneficial to have a thin white or black border around the color-coded object. Consider the reasons why alert street signs, have the border, too.

  4. Color blindness: About 7% of males and only 0.5% of females are color blind in some way. The most common is being red-green colorblind.

  5. Number: We are limited in the number of color-codes we can rapidly perceive. Studies recommend use between five and ten codes.

  6. Field Size: Object size affects how you should color code. Small color-coded objects less than half a degree of visual angle and in the yellow-blue direction range should not be used to avoid the small-field colorblindness.

  7. Conventions: When using color-naming conventions, be cautious of cultural differences. Common conventions are: red =hot, danger, blue=cold, green=life, environmental, go. In China, red =life, good fortune, green =death.

Conspicuity Guidelines For Mobile Devices