Indicates location, without a jump to feature, or a pagination control per se. Dot indicators are this, for example. Note comparison to Scroll and how scrollbars and thumbnails are special cases, considered in detail there, which see. NOTE in the pattern that this is not usually an access method, just an indicator that other patterns are used to get access, like Home page Slideshow style.

Compare Hero200 and Galaxy. Sliding bar vs. transitioning dot. Do not just indicate, but actually show movement, to make it clear what is being shown off.

Indicator can disappear when not actively moving, but can be confusing, so often should always be there...


Location within a series of screens with alternate or continuing display of a set of content should be clearly communicated.


When several screens of similar or continuous information are presented with an organic access method, an indicator is usually required so the user understands their position within the system. Two very common uses for this widget are the Slideshow and Film Strip'] patterns. These each have the inter-frame interaction integrated with the basic pattern.

This overlaps heavily with the Pagination widget, to the degree where it may be unclear which is being applied. The


Location Within widgets are used to convey the specific context of a page within a series. The method used depends on the amount and type of information being presented.

Text - "1 of 3" etc. slideshows very often...

Graphic indicators: Dots and bars, - good for the Film Strip pattern, as on home pages especially... Bars (like dots, but on a bar... looks like a scrollbar, but jumps to positions for individual screens); same as the dot, but looks different. So, not a variation?

The two variations above may be combined, such as when a graphic indicator cannot fit all the graphics on the screen; the graphics are used for indicating transitions between individual pages, and a text indicator may used to provide overall context.

Interaction Details

None! You can't touch it!

Presentation Details

copy labelling stuff from Pagination...

Dots/bars: Slides when moving - do NOT just jump


