The varying ways people prefer to interact with their devices is highly dependent upon their natural tendencies, comfort levels, and the context of use. As designers and developers, we need to understand these influences and offer user interfaces that appeal to these needs.

User preferences may range from inputting data using physical keys, natural handwriting, or other gestural behaviors. Some users may prefer to receive information with an eyes-off screen approach relying on haptics or audible notifications.

This section, Input & Output, will discuss in detail the different mobile methods and controls users can interact with to access and receive information.

The types of input and output that will be discussed here are subdivided into the following chapters:

Types of Input & Output

Text & Character Input

Whether the reason is sending an email, SMS, searching, or filling out forms, users require ways to input both text and characters. Such methods may be through keyboards and keypads, by hardware keys, touch screens and pen-based writing. Regardless of the method, they must each allow rapid input, while reducing input errors and providing methods of correction. This chapter will explain research based frameworks, tactical examples, and descriptive mobile patterns to use for text and character input.

This chapter will discuss the following patterns:

General Interactive Controls

Functions on the device, and in the interface, are influenced by a series of controls. They may be keys arrayed around the periphery of the device, or be controlled by gestural behaviors. Users must be able to find, understand, and easily learn these control types. This chapter will explain research based frameworks, tactical examples, and descriptive mobile patterns to use for general interactive controls.

This chapter will discuss the following patterns:

Input & Selection

Users require methods to enter and remove text and other character-based information without restriction. Many times users are filling out forms or selecting information from lists. At any time, they may also need to make quick, easy changes to remove contents from these fields or entire forms. This chapter will explain research based frameworks, tactical examples, and descriptive mobile patterns to use for input and selection.

This chapter will discuss the following patterns:

Audio & Vibration

Our mobile devices are not always in plain sight. They may across the room, or placed deep in our pockets. When important notifications occur, users need to be alerted. Using audio and vibration as notifiers and forms of feedback can be very effective. This chapter will explain research based frameworks, tactical examples, and descriptive mobile patterns to use for audio and vibration.

This chapter will discuss the following patterns:

Screens, Lights & Sensors

Mobile devices today are equipped with a range of technologies meant to improve our interactive experiences. These devices may be equipped with advanced display technology to improve viewability while offering better battery life, and incorporate location base services integrated within other applications. This chapter will explain research based frameworks, tactical examples, and descriptive mobile patterns to use for screens, lights, and sensors.

This chapter will discuss the following patterns:

Helpful knowledge for this section

Before you dive right into each pattern chapter, we like to provide you some extra knowledge in the section introductions. This extra knowledge is in multi-disciplinary areas of human factors, engineering, psychology, art, or whatever else we feel relevant.

This section will provide background knowledge for you in the following areas: