
A method must be provided for users to enter text and other character-based information without restriction.


Forms as a way to collect information in an ordered manner pre-date computing by at least a century. Many standards were developed in the paper form era, and have translated to computerized database forms, and then to web forms. The ubiquity of the web -- to software developers if not all users -- means forms for all computing types have settled on these standard input methods.

WEBFORM SUMMARY: text – a simple text box that allows input of a single line of text (an alternative, password, is used for security purposes, in which the characters typed in are invisible or replaced by symbols such as *) checkbox – a check box radio – a radio button file – a file select control for uploading a file reset – a reset button that, when activated, tells the browser to restore the values to their initial values. submit – a button that tells the browser to take action on the form (typically to send it to a server) textarea – much like the text input field except a textarea allows for multiple rows of data to be shown and entered select – a drop-down list that displays a list of items a user can select from


One line


Interaction Details

immediate entry

cursor and focus...

enter is a linefeed on multi-line, submits forms or exits the field on single line

Presentation Details

notes about input method and reference

field hints in the field, adjacent to the field, pros and cons of each

